Murder mystery parties are trendy these days, often finding their way into popular television shows or into the posts of social media influencers. These parties can be thrown using DIY game kits, however, the price tags of those kits (which often range from $40 to $80) may be a turn off for some prospective hosts.

Free murder mystery games provide a way to throw a murder mystery dinner or themed party without breaking the bank. These kits are designed to accommodate between 6-30 players, allowing you flexibility as you plan your guest list. And some companies offer paid versions of their games that can work for much larger groups.

Why choose a free murder mystery game?

  1. Sample a company’s product. Some companies provide limited, free versions of their games, which can be downloaded to preview the game before purchasing the paid version;
  2. Use budget elsewhere. Money that is saved by using a free game can be put towards other party expenses (food, decorations, props, etc);
  3. Simpler games. Free murder mystery party games are often less complex and easier to set up, making them a great choice for new hosts to dip their toes into the hosting role.

Free Murder Mystery Games List

  • Jazz Age Jeopardy
    Set in a 1920’s jazz club in New York at the height of prohibition, Jazz Age Jeopardy is a clever, period-authentic mystery party with 15 fully detailed character roles. The free PDF includes an introduction, detailed instructions, character sheets and multiple printable clues. This game is one of ours (Playing With Murder)!
  • Malachai Stout’s Family Reunion
    This fun, scripted murder mystery game features the entertainingly dysfunctional Stout family members trying to solve the murder of the family patriarch. The 6-to-12 person game includes an easy-to-follow script, along with detailed character sheets and clues. It’s great for teens or adults. It’s also one of our games (Playing With Murder).
  • Sour Grapes of Wrath
    This 69-page PDF has everything you need to plan and play a detailed murder mystery, including an outline, costuming suggestions, clues, maps, suspect dossiers and more. A great option for hosts who are willing to put in the effort!
  • The Romanian Uranium Mystery
    This scripted theater performance features opportunities for audience interaction and participation. While this isn’t a standard murder mystery party, the free script is ideal for anyone who is looking to put on a more performance-based event rather than an interactive game. The free version can be copied and pasted from the website, or you can pay $4.99 for a PDF.
  • The Business of Murder
    The Business of Murder is a detailed murder mystery for 7 or 8 players. The free download includes over 20 text files. While this particular product would benefit from some improvements to the layout and organization, it’s a great option for hosts who are willing to put in the time to fully read and absorb the material.
  • The Movie Murder Mystery Party
    Spielman’s “Movie Murder Mystery Party” centers around the murder of a renowned movie director who left a variety of clues behind that will help your guests solve the mystery of his death; the 20-page PDF contains everything you will need to host a party for 5-10 players.
  • Mafia Party Game
    This popular icebreaker party game pits a number of mafia assassins against a group of innocents and a detective. While the game doesn’t feature any sort of overarching plot or detailed character descriptions, it is extremely easy to set up and run, and only requires a deck of cards to play.
  • The Detective Club Murder
    Ruth Ware’s “Detective Club Murder” is a role-playing game for 4-8 players plus the host. The downloadable pack includes all the relevant character details, and there is a playalong video on the site to help direct your party.
  • Crack the Codes and The Case of the Unfortunate Acrobat
    If you are looking for free murder mystery parties to play in the classroom, look no further than Crack the Codes (a 12-page PDF for grades 3-6) and the Case of the Unfortunate Acrobat (a 13-page PDF for older students, grades 7-12).
  • Joy Smith’s Murder Mystery Games
    This 12-chapter game features multiple victims and suspects, clues, video content and more! While the full game has a price tag associated with it, there is a trimmed down free version that will allow you to sample the style.
  • Who Murdered Marilyn Spencer
    “Who Murdered Marilyn Spencer” is a free-to-play online murder mystery game featuring suspect dossiers, videos and public voting. While the product is no longer supported or updated, all of the required play materials remain available online.
  • Trevor Hopkins
    Trevor Hopkins’ child-friendly murder mystery party includes almost 30 characters and includes invitations, character instructions, a master plot list and more! While this party is daunting in its complexity and might not be the best choice for novice hosts, it’s a guaranteed good time for those with experience in running mystery parties.
  • Bullets on Broadway
    Bullets on Broadway is a detailed mystery party that includes everything you will need for up to 20 players. While the full version is $50, the company also offers a very scaled-down free version that accommodates four players.

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